STREAMED On-Demand delivery +
LIVE Q&A Tutorials via ZOOM

This advanced workshop is attended via STREAMING On-Demand delivery so the course material can be studied in your own time and at your own pace, while your practice and questions are subsequently addressed, clarified and supported in our follow up LIVE Q&A Tutorials which can also be joined by anyone who has previously attended this workshop, as well as anyone contemplating attending this workshop but needs more information or insights into its content or suitability is more than welcome to ‘sit-in’ on one of the workshop’s tutorials.



The workshop explores the unique qualities and advantages of B&W film. It is exposed, calibrated, and processed for both analogue optical printing and digital editing and pigment inkjet printing. Traditional values and photographic processes combine to produce exquisite BW images of a quality that is difficult to obtain in a digital workflow. Small and medium roll film and large format sheet film processing is covered, including the control and extraordinarily eloquent qualities of staining developers, the remarkable effects of acutance development, dynamic range expansion and compression processing, and desensitising and inspection development. Pictorial design concepts such as Static and Dynamic Unity further qualify the significant aesthetic advantages and unique spatial qualities that beautifully exposed and processed film automatically confer.

The workshop is conducted through a series of experiments, darkroom demonstrations, film calibrations, and practical applications, all camera formats are covered and B&W film is selected, exposed, processed and calibrated during the workshop. The aim is to understand and work with the advantages of film based capture without compromising efficiency while obtaining analogue images of the highest quality.  Our LIVE Q&A Tutorials answer all your questions along with real time comparisons, evaluations and interactions between attendees and their film based workflows.

The workshop is presented in four ‘ninety minute’ sessions accessed by clicking on each Session button below:

 Session 1 – Film Selection
•  Film formats
•  Speed
•  Grain
•  Acutance
•  Gradation
•  Spectral sensitivity

Session 2 – Film Exposure
•  Pre-visualisation
•  Reflected versus incident metering
•  Spot meters
•  Calibrating light meters
•  Working with contrast filters
•  Reciprocity failure and bellows/lens extension

Session 3 – Film Processing
•  Speed/Grain/Acutance/Gradation trade-offs
•  What is Normal – density and colorimetric controls
•  Temperature control and processing consistency
•  Pyro and Pyrocatechin staining development (formula for optical printing)
•  Non staining fine grain developers (formula for scanning)
•  Processing equipment, film handling, and H&S considerations

Session 4 – Film Calibration
•  The Zone System in theory and practice
•  Parametric calibrations: N-3 to N+3 Exposure & Development
•  Dissolving film grain
•  Reducing artefacts
•  Desensitisation
•  Development by inspection

The ‘Flipped Classroom’ facilitates a uniquely comprehensive yet individual learning experience where your creativity, knowledge and needs focus the inquiry, while your engagement and participation defines your outcomes. Our LIVE Q&A Tutorials are designed to maximise our time in answering your questions and supporting your practice.

The workshop is comprehensively supported by a resource rich website.

Venue: STREAMED On-Demand delivery
Duration: 8+ hours (workshop + tutorials)
Resources:  Extensive course notes, videos, test images, actions, macros, luts
Cost: AUS $330
More Information: See FAQ (Education)

Updated 05 September 2024